Slow Food RVA Established
Over the past 8 months a small group of Richmonders have been working behind the scenes to launch a local chapter or "convivium" of Slow Food USA.
Slow Food is a non-profit, member-supported, volunteer-based organization started in Italy over 20 years ago to counteract fast food and fast life, the disappearance of local food traditions and people’s dwindling interest in the food they eat, where it comes from, how it tastes and how our food choices affect the world we live in.
Local chapters (convivia) are the heart of the Slow Food movement. Organized by local volunteer leaders, they provide a forum for interested individuals across the community to taste, celebrate, and champion the food and food traditions important to their regions.
Chapters offer educational events and public awareness-raising activities to promote sustainability and biodiversity, and to connect farmers, cooks, educators, students—everyone who cares about their food, where it comes from, who produces it, and the environment which we all share.
The celebration of local, seasonal and sustainably produced wholesome food as a cornerstone of pleasure, culture and community underpins everything that Slow Food RVA will be about.
Visit us on our new website, follow us on Twitter, and become a fan on Facebook.