Food Democracy Now

There is a moveement underfoot, that you need to be a part of. Help fight for a healthy food system and send a message to Secretary Vilsack. Leaders of this movement have identified four specific problems to overcome :

1) Current policy is mired in a 20th century industrial paradigm, where the primary goals are limited to production volume, efficiency of feeding, and ensured profits for commodity producers and those they supply, thereby, benefiting too few.

2) People, ecosystems, and rural economies are becoming less healthy as a direct result of current American policy.

3) The efforts to solve food and agriculture challenges are not being addressed to the degree required by the scale of the problems.

4)The last farm bill cycle confirmed that too few control the debate and they are focused on protecting the status quo rather than aiding the broader population of the nation.

Following is the beginning of a draft declaration and a link for more information.

"We, the undersigned, believe that a healthy food system is necessary to meet the urgent challenges of our time. Behind us stands a half-century of industrial food production, underwritten by cheap fossil fuels, abundant land and water resources, and a drive to maximize the global harvest of cheap calories. Ahead lie rising energy and food costs, a changing climate, declining water supplies, a growing population, and the paradox of widespread hunger and obesity."

Click here to make your voice heard !

Bottled Water an Energy Drain


La Famiglia