A prayer for the earth
The earth is not ours. It doesn’t belong to us . . . we are guests, temporary guests . . . and part of why we are here is to manage the place, to be stewards of God’s creation. In fact that’s our highest calling, our holiest vocation, to manage God’s creation.
John Buchanan, “Holy Earth,” September 17, 2006
“Take only memories, leave nothing but footprints.”
Chief Seattle
In the past few years there has been a clarion call to be kinder to Mother Earth. Al Gore has been preaching the global warming side of it, Michael Pollan and Barbara Kingsolver have been eating it, and the burgeoning Slow Food Movement is picking up steam and converts every day. Almost overnight it seems, Richmond has 5 or 6 healthy farmer's markets, CSAs are sprouting up everywhere, and everyone wants to be a locavore. This week's Style Weekly has a fantastic cover story by food writer extraordinaire, Brandon Fox , that explores the the philosophies and Faith of Our Farmers.