"Locavore" Named Word of the Year
Amy Hicks, owner of local CSA Amy's Garden, had a great article in last week's Home Style. According to Amy "There’s exciting news in the organic community: The word locavore was named New Oxford American Dictionary’s word of the year for 2007. A locavore is one who attempts to consume only food that was grown or raised within a 100-mile radius of one’s home. The locavore movement encourages consumers to either grow their own food or shop with local farmers at the farmer’s market. Locavores seek out locally produced food because they know it is tastier, more nutritious and environmentally friendly."
I have been a member of Amy's CSA for the past 4 or 5 years and I look forward to the season every year. Amy asked me for a quote for her article and it made the cut:
“I live for my Monday delivery,” says John Haddad, a longtime CSA member and food writer. “There is nothing like a bag of freshness dropped at your doorstep.”
For the whole organic, click the carrot
I have been a member of Amy's CSA for the past 4 or 5 years and I look forward to the season every year. Amy asked me for a quote for her article and it made the cut:
“I live for my Monday delivery,” says John Haddad, a longtime CSA member and food writer. “There is nothing like a bag of freshness dropped at your doorstep.”
For the whole organic, click the carrot